Erased is a sci-fi thriller series based on the award winning manga series (2014 Manga Taisho Award) by Kei Sanbe. The dream production staff includes director Tomohiko Ito (Sword Art Online), character designer Keigo Sasaki (Blue Exorcist), composer Yuki Kajiura (Sword Art Online, Fate/Zero, Madoka Magica), and animation studio A-1 Pictures (Sword Art Online, Your lie in April, Blue Exorcist).
29-year old Satoru Fujinuma is a struggling manga artist who works part time as a pizza delivery man. But he has a secret ability which he names Revival. This ability allows Satoru to go back in time to prevent life-threatening incidents from happening.
Now a series of tragic incidents are unfolding before Satorus eyes and they may change his life forever
Format: DVD
Region: 2
Discs: 2
Language(s): English and Japanese
Subtitles: English
Rating: 15