For the first-time ever in the United Kingdom, an anthology anime produced by Studio 4C!
Featuring a collection of eclectic shorts from 12 acclaimed directors. Those directors are Atsuko Fukushima, Shoji Kawamori, Shinji Kimura, Yoji Fukuyama, Hideki Futamura, Masaaki Yuasa, Shinichiro Watanabe, Mahiro Maeda, Koji Morimoto, Kazuto Nakazawa, Shinya Ohira, and Tatsuyuki Tanaka.
Contains the complete anthology on Blu-Ray in Japanese with English subtitles.
Comes in a rigid case, with a digipack to hold the Blu-ray and DVD discs, plus the exclusive 144-page "Project Genius The Making Book" featuring material translated from the Japanese release into English! (Never before available in English anywhere in the world!)
Format: Blu-ray and DVD
Region: 2
Discs: 3
Language(s): Japanese
Subtitles: English
Rating: 15