Important Notice - Anime Bluray Holiday Closure and Special Promotion!
Dear Anime Fans
Please note that Anime Bluray will be closed from Friday 7th March Until Tuesday March 11th. All orders placed after 11am on the 7th March will be dispatched when we reopen on Tuesday March 11th. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Kampfer Collection Blu-ray

Product code: MBR7140
Price : £25.00

Product Details


Waking up transformed into a beautiful girl might be the stuff of some guys’ fantasies, but when the suddenly effeminized Natsuru is informed by a stuffed tiger that he’s now a Kämpfer, a mystical fighter who has to fight other Kämpfers in female form, his life becomes a living nightmare! Putting aside the obvious “plumbing” issues, Natsuru’s best childhood friend turns out to swing the other way and SHE has a crush on his new female body. Not complex enough? Natsuru’s school has separate sections for boys and girls, so he and she are now double enrolled. The rumour-mill has it that he’s dating herself. And there are other Kämpfers attending the school who want to take her out, and he’s not sure which ones mean “on a date” and which ones mean “permanently.” Oh, and did we mention that some Kämpfers use SWORDS and GUNS?! Hormones, fists and other body parts will fly as the daring, new gender-blender defender must become a contender or die.

Format: Blu-ray
Region: B
Discs: 2
Language(s): Japanese
Subtitles: English
Rating: 15