Please Note: Anime Blurday will be closed from 11 am on Friday 20th until Thursday 2nd January.
All orders placed during this time will be dispatched when we reopen on Friday the 3rd January. Have a great Anime fuelled festive season!
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Red Garden Collection

Product code: MVD7074
Price : £20.00

Product Details


While alive, Kate, Claire, Rose, and Rachel each explored the streets of New York with the promise of limitless futures unfolding before them. But now, brought together as members of a blood-stained sisterhood, their once-delicate hands reach out to silence demonic beasts no ordinary weapon can destroy. Brutally murdered only to be resurrected as clandestine killers, the girls must stalk their prey with a primal ferocity – or risk losing what remains of their so-called lives. The only clues to their tragic past are a swarm of crimson butterflies and the mysterious woman who carries the harrowing secret behind the lives they lived – and the walking corpses they’ve become.

Format: DVD
Region: 2
Discs: 4
Language(s): English and Japanese
Subtitles: English
Rating: 15