Important Notice - Anime Bluray Holiday Closure and Special Promotion!
Dear Anime Fans
Please note that Anime Bluray will be closed from Friday 7th March Until Tuesday March 11th. All orders placed after 11am on the 7th March will be dispatched when we reopen on Tuesday March 11th. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Your Name DVD

Product code: ANI0216
Price : £5.00

Product Details


Mitsuha and Taki are total strangers living completely different lives. But when Mitsuha makes a wish to leave her mountain town for the bustling city of Tokyo, they become connected in a bizarre way. She dreams she is a boy living in Tokyo while Taki dreams he is a girl from a rural town he’s never visited.

What does their newfound connection mean? And how will it bring them together? Find out in the latest film from the acclaimed auteur Makoto Shinkai.



Contains the film on DVD with both the English dub and the original Japanese track with English subtitles.

Format: DVD
Region: 2
Discs: 1
Language(s): English and Japanese
Subtitles: English
Rating: 12